
AI Resources
Development GPT-Engineer an autonomous agent that build a code repository based on a specified project description. A personal code-generation toolbox. Personoids Lite for AI Chat provides examples of autonomous agent using chatGPT to solve Github issues (e.g., add documentation, bug fix). The rep…
AI Research and Development Resources
Web3 Development Resources
Solidity Programming * Solidity by example * Solidity docs * VSCode Solidity Visual Developer with excellent call graphs Contracts * OpenZeppelin docs github * Chainlink docs * Uniswap V2 RouterV2 smart contract reference * Sushiswap Testnets and tokens * Faucet for testnet tok…
Web3 Development Resources
Crypto Research Resources
Research Reports * Messari report Messari Asset Profile * Outlierventures report * dappradar industry report * Coingecko report * Cointelegraph report * Consensys report * Grayscale report * Nansen alpha * report * Coinbase * Delphi report Crypto tutorials and media…
Crypto Research Resources